Sunday, December 8, 2013


          This video honestly creeped me out a little. I think if technology like that existed, any tasks involving human interaction would completely lose their purpose. The fact that Patrick can't even think of anything to say on a date without his "sight" providing him with ideas shows how dependent humans can and will become on technology. Since Daphne has sight too, she could easily be looking up information on Patrick during their date as well. The two people aren't actually connecting with each other, they are both allowing their technology to do the work for them. Face-to-face conversations would be worthless with "sight" technology because two people aren't actually interacting, but the computers in their eyes are interacting. That totally undermines the value of the human consciousness. What's the point in even having consciousness and ideas and opinions if there is a computer in our eyes that makes all the decisions for us? Sure the "Sight technology would make simple aspects of life more interesting, such as chopping celery, but it would also take away the spark of human interaction. Personally I thought the date between Patrick and Daphne couldn't have been more awkward. I just felt uncomfortable watching the whole thing, and I guarantee if neither of them had screens in their eyeballs to rely on and distract them from what was actually happening, the date would have gone a lot smoother. 

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